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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kevin Lucia, Shroud Review Editor, Passes baton to Tim Remp

Kevin Lucia has a been a member for the Shroud family for some time (and will continue to be).  He has been a prolific and talented reviewer and has done an exceptional job of managing the book review process for Shroud.

As a direct result of his efforts, the Shroud name has made it onto the book-jacket blurbs of some distinguished novels, not to mention in press materials, Websites, and blogs.  He is an extremely hard worker and had given 100% to the Shroud team.

Kevin announced recently that he would like to focus more on his own writing.  We support him.  It is our hope and intention to see more of Kevin's striking prose within the Shroud Publishing fold.  Over the past few weeks, Kevin has been working diligently to transition the review process to another talented writer and good friend, Timothy Remp.  Tim is also a voracious reader, a published author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, and a New Hampshire native.  The latter is important because it will assist in me getting books to Tim as publishers send them to me.

I am thrilled to see Tim come on board and am certain he will offer a comparable level of talent and diligence to the review process.

Here's a copy of the note, Kevin recently sent out to his review staff:

Hello folks -

Hope the New Year has been good to you all so far.  Just wanted to thank you for all the work you've done, and also update you on changes in Shroud's Book Review Department.  First of all, if you haven't visited the blog recently, we posted a ton of reviews over the break:

Second, I'm stepping down as Book Review Editor for Shroud, and handing the reigns over to Tim Remp.  Tim posted all the reviews over the break and did a nice job, so after talking with Tim Deal and him, we've decided on Tim as our Review Editor for now. 

I saw this coming about a year ago.  After 5+ years of reviewing books & interviewing authors, I really felt it was time not only to just read what I felt informed me as a writer, but also to devote all my free time to my own prose.  However, I thought we'd started something neat, so I didn't want to abandon Tim and Shroud.  So, I recruited all you, and tried to get a system in place, so I wasn't leaving things in complete disarray.

Once that seemed to be working okay, I approached Tim Deal about backing out fully, we discussed possible replacements, tried Tim Remp out, and it worked nicely. His geographical proximity to Tim Deal is also a plus when it comes to managing Shroud operations.

So here's what will happen now:

I'll mail all the books I have left to Tim.  Once that's done and I forward all my contacts to Tim, he'll start up the process once more of sending a request list out to all of you, and you'll just continue on as you have.  His email is:  As always, if you come up with other sources for reviews he'll still accept them, to keep the blog as active as possible. 

You'll remember we offered a payment of $7.00 for those reviews that found their way into print.  The plan is still to pay that in a stipend, and I'll need to confer with Danny Evarts to see which reviews made it into the print versions.

Once again, thanks for all your hard work and dedication.

Kevin Lucia 
Review Editor 
Shroud Magazine 
The Journal of Dark Fiction and Art