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Sunday, December 14, 2008

No Power...

No power, no water, no Internet...
New Hampshire was hit by the worst ice storm in our power company's history causing most of the state to be without power. We are going on day three without power, water or (*gasp*) Internet. We are currently staying at a hotel with three dogs a teenager and my wife and I. This will cause a few shipping delays. Please spread the word.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Attention AMAZON Holiday Shoppers!

Did you know.​.​.​?​

.​.​.​the entir​e Shrou​d catal​og (​INCLU​DING THE MUCH ANTIC​IPATE​D ISSUE​ 4) is curre​ntly avail​able on AMAZO​N.​ COM (​pleas​e buy new ;))


Simpl​y follo​w this link:​


There​ you will be able to take advan​tage of Amazo​n'​s savin​gs,​ promo​tions​,​ and fast shipp​ing.​ Those​ of you that are membe​rs of Amazo​n Prime​ can get free shipp​ing on just about​ all of the Shrou​d line-​up.​

Have you alrea​dy purch​ased one of these​ items​?​ Then PLEAS​E leave​ a revie​w,​ add-​it to a LISTM​ANIA LIST,​ sugge​st it to your frien​ds,​ link it on a messa​ge board​,​ or ANYTH​ING.​ These​ are very helpf​ul ways to suppo​rt Shrou​d witho​ut spend​ing a dime!​


If you have alrea​dy order​ed Issue​ 4 from me, do not fear,​ they have begun​ to go out in the mail!​ You will recei​ve it soon.​




Sunday, December 7, 2008

WINNERS announced: Michael Knost Column!

After going over a ton of contest entries to find the name of the new column in Shroud Magazine, we have a winner . . . In fact, we have three winners!

For those just hearing about it, I will write a column for Shroud
Magazine, focusing on an up-and-comer in the horror industry with a
short story from that artist following.

The winners are:

Ray Turner
Jan Irvin
Bob Freeman

The winning title . . . ProgKNOSTications.

Each of these winners will receive a free subscription to Shroud
Magazine and signed copies of Legends of the Mountain State 1 and 2.


And speaking of the column, Nate Southard will be featured in the next
issue . . . along with his excellent short story: Inside the Box.


It is important for you to know that after issue 4, Shroud will be temporarily moving to a flat-rate payment plan to help us contend with slow economic growth. It is absolutely critical that we cut costs in order to stay afloat. So beginning immediately (this will not impact issue 4 writers), Shroud will pay a flat rate of $10 for Flash Fiction, $25 for fiction up to 5000 words, and $25 for non-fiction up to 3000 words. Book reviews and other pieces will be discussed with the authors on a case by case basis.

It is with a heavy heart that I change these rates. It is NOT my intention to devalue the author's work in any way. I understand that it is difficult for professional writers to obtain the respect and remuneration that they truly deserve and it was always my goal to offer that. However, with this flat rate plan in place, it will help me mitigate costs and hopefully get my writers paid faster.

This rate change will NOT effect other publications/books, novellas/etc.

This rate change will NOT effect payments already discussed and agreed upon. If we discussed a payment rate for a piece that has not been published yet, we will continue to honor that (this applies to you columnists!)

Also, beginning immediately, we are CLOSED TO SUBMISIONS. We have begun a reading period.

WE WILL BE OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS FROM FEBRUARY 1st through MARCH 30th, 2009 and then from MAY 1ST THROUGH JUNE 30TH 2009. We have created these reading periods to help us better respond to submissions. Unfortunately submissions that come in outside of those periods will not be read. Again, we are only doing this in order to better serve our writing community.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Shipping Issue #4 and AYD!

Shipping Issue 4 and All You Despise

Issue 4 is back from the printer and shipping this week and early next week. All You Despise is back from the Printer and Shipping this week and next as well. Northern Haunts is going through a quick revision and then printing.